Our CEO is selected as a finalist for the APSCo Award

 Neil Clark, CEO of Nicoll Curtin, in a pink shirt against a blue background, with 'APSCO Business Leader of the Year 2020 Finalist' text displayed.

Our group CEO Neil Clark has been selected as a finalist for APSCo UK's Business Leader of the Year Award 2022. Our whole team extends warm congratulations to Neil on such a well-deserved nomination!

We are inspired by the leadership Neil provides. It’s been an exciting journey towards unprecedented growth since Neil took over Nicoll Curtin group as its CEO in 2020. The company is soon expanding its reach by opening to Berlin and Hong Kong markets. We are even stronger in our current markets; UK, Ireland, Switzerland, Singapore and Belgrade. This is proven by the growth of over 110% in contract book within the last year.

Neil Clark said that he felt honoured by the international recruitment trade body, APSCo’s nomination. “It is always special to be recognised by leaders in your own industry and when I look at the previous finalists of the award; to be recognised alongside these people is a great honour.”

Neil stressed that this is an achievement by the whole Group: “This recognition is due to the incredible work and support of our amazing team. I am truly blessed to have a senior leadership team who have trusted and supported me in every decision I made.”

“Being selected as a finalist for this award is important for us as a company. It is a validation that we are doing the right things. It proves that our colleagues are working for one of the best run companies in our industry, and this should encourage more people to connect with us right away. We are a growing business and a fantastic team who are always looking to find new people to join us.”

How should business leaders respond to the latest challenges?

Neil Clark has been a business leader for over 30 years with an insightful experience in the recruitment sector. Our head of UK office, Sam Burks, described Neil as a rare CEO. Sam said: “Neil can balance being a decisive business-focused leader while also a caring and understanding manager. This ability to balance both, leads to a successful and happy work force.”

Business world is heavily impacted by the cost of living crisis, pandemic, employment trends such as quiet quitting or great resignation, and the downturn in certain sectors, including fintech. Neil states that business leaders have always faced challenges and changing environments. It is leaders’ job to evolve.

Listening is the key

“The key to great management is to listen; listen to your people, listen to the industry, your clients, your competitors. Then make decisions that reflect you as a business, stay true to your values and beliefs, support and respect your people and provide a supportive environment where all talent can thrive.”

“Easy words I know, but actually very challenging to achieve, but this is our job. If you surround yourself with people who share your values and you build a bond of trust with those people then navigating business changes and challenges become much easier.” 

One of the ways that our senior leadership listens is our biannual staff satisfaction survey. The last results showed 100% of our staff has confidence in the senior leadership to lead the group in the right direction. 98% says that the management of the group is transparent and communicates effectively. Neil’s leadership strengthened the culture of clear communication about the current state and the future of the group.

This vision shows its results when it comes to employee engagement and the sense of belonging that everyone at Nicoll Curtin feels. Hard work is recognised and success is celebrated together. Our head of Singapore office, Jon Lohsaid: “Neil’s prudent and sensible approach has effected so many positive changes within the business. Neil is a serial winner and that transcends down to every line of the business. The effect he brings, while unquantifiable, shows in the high volumes of happiness that everyone is basking in.” Blerina Dobla, our head of finance described his leadership as empowering, inspirational, supportive and passionate.

Join our team

Nicoll Curtin was ranked within the 100 best companies to work for and our NPS is consistently above the industry standard. We currently have 67 employees, who are all committed, hard-working, extremely fun and a widely diverse group of people. Nicoll Curtin team across the globe take pride in their excellence in thinking like their customers, understanding their aspirations and working with them to ensure achievement of those aspirations.

Join our team today – connect with us or check out our latest job openings on our careers page.

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