Transferable skills when switching to Tech

A bearded man wearing glasses is seated at a desk, focused on his laptop while working intently.

Technology is a very fast paced environment and is changing and adapting every day as we know it. It is also the quickest growing industry globally and a lot of candidates are looking to move into the Tech space. Here are a few transferable skills which you can bring from any industry if you are considering a move into Tech.

8 transferable skills for starting a Tech career

1. Stakeholder Management / Relationship Building

Being able to speak to multiple levels within the business both internally and externally will put you in good stead. With these skills, you will be able to build long term relationships to ensure things get done quickly and promptly in your business.

2. Good Work Ethic

A good work ethic will always help in any industry and company you go to, but particularly within Tech. If you are driven to do well, then you will succeed.  

3. Critical Thinking

Good analytical skills will help you consider issues or circumstances based on evidence. Critical thinkers are often open-minded and they are able to see different perspectives and points of view. Which will then prevent them to be stuck in one position and they can offer better solutions. In all spaces of Tech, critical thinking is a key skill.

4. Communication

The ability to listen actively, as well as to speak and write clearly is important for communicating with others in your team. In the Tech space, you will need to be clear in your mission and the direction for your team to follow. Good communications skills will make it easier for a team to function better when the priorities may be changing rapidly.

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A woman smiling to a colleague in a work environment with their hands on laptops.

5. Leadership

Leadership is not only important when it comes to supervising and managing a team. It will show benefits when you take the lead on a project and get your team and external stakeholders to follow suit. It is linked with good communication, relationship building and problem-solving as in every sector.

6. Adaptability

Working in an agile environment particularity will benefit you within Tech. You may need to adjust timelines, strategy, and even learning a new skill to get the job done. Being able to embrace change will be a key factor to succeed in a sector like Tech.

7. Attention to Detail

Paying attention to the finest details means you notice everything. You go through projects with a fine tooth comb and make sure everything is correct.

8. Enjoyment

If you don’t enjoy technology or don’t enjoy change, Tech probably isn’t for you. To stay motivated, you must make sure that it is something that you enjoy and benefit in your daily life too. It is, of course, difficult to know if you'd like a job before you start, especially if you are making a career change. It is important to discuss the details of the job or the tech world in general with a friend who may be working in that field, or a recruiter. This will save you from taking a potentially wrong big step.

If you are considering to make a move into Tech and would like to have a confidential chat, please feel free to reach out to the writer of this blog, Dillon Chamberlin.

Get in touch with Dillon

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